Creating your account The garden website is for members only. Sign up using the same email you use for the Google group and other garden communications. Your name and screen name will be visible to other members.
If you share your plot with family or friends, only one person needs to create an account, but the others can join as "General Members" if they choose (see Member Types, below).
Settings and Notifications Update your account from the Settings page.
Calendar Settings: Choose the week start day for your calendar view or set it to "Today" for a rolling start.
Shift Alerts: Enable emails for shift reminders and account status notifications (see Shift Credits and Member Status, below).
Messaging: Allow other members to contact you through the garden website. Your email address will not be shared with other members unless you reply to their messages.
Account Information: Update your screenname, name, email address, and password.
Member Types There are two options for garden membership:
Gardeners are assigned a plot and must complete the equivalent of 1 shift credit (1 hour) per week during the garden season (see Shift Credits and Member Status, below).
General Members have access to communal areas without shift requirements, but can participate in shifts if they choose.
Deleting your account To end your garden membership, click "Delete Account" on the bottom of the Settings page and follow the instructions to delete your account and personal data.
Shift Credits and Member Status Gardeners are required to complete the equivalent of 1 shift credit (1 hour) per week during the garden season. You can choose to complete your shifts on a weekly basis or bank shifts to reduce your workload later in the season. Your credits will accumulate in your account; you can see your current balance on the home page or by viewing your Shift History by clicking on your screenname in the menu bar.
A balance of 0 or above will keep your account in good standing or "Active". If your balance dips below 0 (see Cycle Debits, below) your account status will change to "On Alert". If you have Shift Alerts enabled, you'll receive an email notification once a week if your balance is less than -2.
General Members are not required to complete shifts and will not receive Cycle Debits, but are welcome and encouraged to complete and bank shifts.
🪫 Cycle Debits Each Monday during the garden season, 1 credit is automatically debited from Gardeners' accounts. Cycle Debits are recorded in your Shift History. General Members' accounts are not debited.
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Shifts
Add a Shift: From the calendar on the home page, click on an Open Hours timeslot or create a custom shift by clicking "Add a Custom Shift". You'll earn 1 credit per hour worked. You can schedule shifts in advance or record shifts that you have already completed. Shift credits do not count towards your balance until after completion.
Your shifts can overlap with other members, and you can schedule shifts for dates outside the garden season (but those shifts will not earn credits).
Edit a Shift: Click on the "Edit" link on your shift in the calendar on the home screen or on your Shift History. You can edit a shift before or after it occurs.
Delete a Shift: Click on the "Edit" link on your shift in the calendar on the home screen or in you Shift History, then click "Delete" and follow the instructions.
Getting Help from an Admin Admins can schedule, edit, and delete shifts for other users. If you need help scheduling a shift, you can reach out to an admin for support
Bonus Credits Certain shifts throughout the garden season are eligible for Bonus Credits.
🔥 Open Hours: Frequently unfilled timeslots earn 0.25 bonus credits. A shift that was eligible for bonus credits when you initially signed up for it may no longer be eligible if you edit its date, time, or duration. Editing only the Shift Activities will not affect your bonus credits.
✨ Hidden Double Bonuses Ten double bonuses occur randomly during the garden season, like "Daily Doubles" on Jeopardy. These bonuses can occur any day of the week between the hours of 9am and 6pm. Dates and times are algorithmically determined and unknown to admins or members. Any shift that you schedule overlapping a Hidden Double Bonus will earn double credits (including any 🔥 Open Hours bonus credits it also qualifies for).
Posts Wall Posts are short messages that appear on the home page for two weeks, or until they are archived. Use the Google or Whatsapp group for long messages and urgent conversations.
Adding a Post Navigate to the bottom of the of Garden Wall and create your Post. You can choose to subscribe to your Post by clicking "Email me when someone replies to this post" before clicking Save.
Archiving a Post You can archive a Post you created or one that was created by another member. Navigate to the Post by clicking on its subject line or "View or reply to post". Add a Reply and check "Mark complete and archive this post" before clicking "Save". Archived Posts will not be displayed on the garden home page.
Deleting a Post Navigate to a Post you created by clicking on its subject line or "View or reply to post". Click "Delete" (located in the post meta bar, next to the post date and time) and follow the instructions. Admins can delete Posts created by other members.
Replying to a Post Navigate to the Post by clicking on its subject line or "View or reply to post". Add a Reply and click "Save".
Deleting a Reply Navigate to a Post you replied to by clicking on its subject line or "View or reply to post". Locate the Reply you created that you would like to delete, click "Delete", and follow the instructions. Admins can delete Replies created by other members.
Subscribing to a Post Navigate to the Post by clicking on its subject line or "View or reply to post". Add a Reply and check "Email me when someone replies to this post" before clicking "Save".
To unsubscribe, navigate to the Post and uncheck "Email me when someone replies to this post" and click "Save". You do not need to add a Reply to unsubscribe to a Post.
Subscribing or unsubscribing to a Post does not affect your Shift Alerts (see: Settings, above).
100 Quincy Community Garden 100 Quincy Street Brooklyn, NY 11238